Ordering info
(including ordering at the Dutch bookshop better explained)
My books can be ordered at:
the online bookshop Boekenbestellen.nl
(as good as) all (online) bookshops
you can search for:
title of the book
Diana Divera Anna Dekker
- the ISBN/EAN-number (to be found down below on this page, beneath the link of the book you want to order)
- By ordering at the regular bookshop the ISBN/EAN-number will be needed
- The books that can be ordered are:
- My picture book 'I have an ex-tra X'
- ISBN number: 9789082290554
- My children's book 'I step forward with an extra X'
- ISBN number: 9789082290561
- My picture book 'I have an ex-tra X'

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