About me

  • I was born in 1969, in The Netherlands

  • I write personal stories and poems

  • All my stories about Trisomy X syndrome are from my own experience

  • Most of my poems are about anything that happened in real life

  • I love pets and animals, all seasons but mostly autumn and winter, snow and rain, trees, nature, flowers, water, puzzles, music, films, coloring

  • Diana Divera is a pseudonym from two of my first names

  • I am an own Publisher of all of my books

  • In spite of all my hypersensitivities like sensitivity to stress, I was, with all my heart and love, a caregiver for both my parents until January the 10th 2023 (my story about all this caring will be written in my next book, maybe in a new version of my book 'Find your way with an extra X' or maybe as a whole new book - I will keep you updated!) 

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