Poor self-image

  • If I haven't heard from someone for a while, I often think I said or did something wrong
    • my solution(s):
      • I tell my friends about my concerns and so far they let me know when they are (very) busy

      • nowadays I often manage to filter out people from whom I have little or no need to expect an answer, and then I ask my questions differently

  • When I have created something, I almost always want to receive additional confirmation that it is beautiful, even if I think its good enough and am happy with it
    • my solution(s):
      • I have started to learn more and more to increase my self-confidence by reading self-help books and doing exercises, so that I know that what I do and make is good (enough)
  • When someone repeatedly says what I am not doing well (even if this is not true) or says what I (supposedly) "can't do", I get very angry
    • my solution(s):
      • getting back to my own basics as quickly as possible, believing in myself and my own abilities (inner peace)
      • this kind of negativity often inspires me to make something, to be creative


More about this symptom is to be found in my book for (young) adults

'Find your way with an extra X'

and as a little more easy story in my book

'Step forward with  an extra X'


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