Ordering paperback 'Step forward with an extra X' at the Dutch bookshop Boekenbestellen.nl better explained


  • On this info page I will inform you about ordering the paperback book 'Step forward with an extra X' at the online Dutch bookshop Boekenbestellen.nl



  • The costs of the printed book are € 22,00 (ex shipping costs)


  • To change the valuta, you can click on the language icons right in the top of the page, otherwise you will see your country valuta on the next page, after filling in your address


  • To click on 'see all', you can see all of my books that are available for ordering


  • To order this book, you can click on the button under the price that says 'order'


  • On this page you can fill in your name and address, and how you want to pay for the book


  • Between the first blue and pink sorting stripe you can change the number of books you want to order


  • Whenever you want to quit the order, you can click on the 'X' before the title of the book, then your shopping cart will get empty again


  • In the end you will have to check the 2 options and then your order will be ready for shipping


  • You will receive an e-mail from the online bookshop that your order will be ready


  • How long it will take the bookshop for shipping your order depends on your country

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